Nose Pivots & Stoppies

Nose Pivots & Stoppies

Learn the safer way to get around tight switchback corners - on your front wheel!

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Many riders struggle on tight switchback corners, but this common corner type becomes a literal playground for those with the skills. Introducing the Nose Pivots & Stoppies course, your gateway to negotiating tight descending switchbacks with confidence and style. This course starts with both wheels firmly on the ground before gradually exploring how much fun putting the bike on its front wheel can be.

βœ… 29 Lessons starting with the basics
βœ… Your Coaches: Ryan Leech and Thomas Ohler
βœ… Safety drills are baked into practice sessions.

Why Front Wheel Fun?
Sometimes it’s easier and safer to get around a tight downhill switchback on the front wheel – counterintuitive, we know. Using a shift of body weight (called a Magic Stop) and varying levels of front brake, riders can suspend and rotate the back wheel in the air to reposition the bike in the corner – this avoids having to turn too tightly, which can cause a crash. 


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Nose Pivots & Stoppies



29 lessons to master tight switchbacks using stylish nose pivots and stoppies. Includes unlimited, personalized coach feedback. Lifetime access.

RLC All-Access Membership


/ Month
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Extended 14-day FREE trial πŸ˜ƒ Membership Sale with deep annual discount πŸ€‘ The RLC Hub MTB skills course library is carefully curated, with innovative teaching methods designed to enhance your skills & enjoyment of the sport we love. *no risk 100% refund policy

Switchback on the Nose?

"Ryan breaks down both stoppies and nose pivots into a logical progression of smaller skills, each of which is addressed in its own video with drills to help the learning process, plus advice about possible stumbling blocks to avoid. Ryan gradually leads the rider to merge the skills into one smooth, stylish movement. It’s easy to pose questions or post videos of progress, and the Coaches and Mentors are quick to reply with insightful, encouraging comments. M Adams (verified member)

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